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Ancient Maps

You and I stood side by side

Waiting in the lines to ride the rides

There was a beach but now it's gone

Look at the creatures we've become


Tucked away in attics high

Ancient maps of times gone by

Look at the roads we used to run

Look at the creatures we've become


Baisse ta tête et ferme tes mains

(Bow your head and close your hands)

Verse du vin et casse du pain

(Pour some wine and break some bread)

Let us repent for what we've done

Look at the creatures we've become


Sang for wind and danced for rain

Woke up in the sugar cane

You were the moon and I the sun

Look at the creatures we've become


Et toi t'entends c'est cloches d'église?

(And do you hear those church bells?)

Ça connait pas que c'est un voisinage icitte?

(Don't they know that this is a neighborhood?)

Les petits en dedans sont après dormir

(The kids inside are sleeping)


On a pas ça qu'on avait

(We don't have what we had)

C'est pas comme c'était

(It's not like it was)

C'est pas comme c'était

(It's not like it was)

Pas du tout

(Not at all)

Pas du tout

(Not at all)


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