I refuse to die waiting for you to come around staring at your Shoes is how you’ll lose me in the crowd
Keep on moving, don’t stop moving
Time is running out
Bouge-toi pour moi (move it for me)
Ça c’est un message pour tous les hommes qui font tapisserie
(this is a message for all the wallflowers)
Rester planter avec tes bougres serait une faute d’étourderie
(standing still with your boys would be a careless mistake)
You could be up in the front
Under the lights
Singing “IDGAF”
Come on, come on, come on
You gotta stay out your feelings
Take a shot, get that monkey off your back
Get off, get off, get off
Keep on moving, don’t stop moving
Time is running out
Bouge-toi pour moi (move it for me)
In a hundred years, there will still be excuses, there will still be Oopses, there will still be frets, regrets, and unpaid debts.
In the distant future, cars will fly, planes will swim, and the dog will walk himself,
But there’s still that itch on your back that you can’t. quite. reach.
The sock behind the dyer, the rock inside your shoe,
The speck in your eye the cloud in your sky
But I’ve got news for you
You can’t let the small things get you down
Lâche pas la patate
Crache pas l’eau saumâtre
Caca chien, caca chat, va guérir quand tu pourras
You could be up in the front
Under the lights, come on
You wanna give up ‘cuz you don’t give a
You gotta stay out your feelings
Take a shot, get off
I’ll never give up ‘cuz I don’t give a